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Conversion Corner: Zona Alfa Spetsnaz
Conversion Corner: Zona Alfa Spetsnaz
Zona Alfa is a great system for small skirmish games, and lets you explore concepts without committing to a 100+ model army! Anvil staffer Adam wanted to do something influenced by the Spetsnaz, the Russian special forces- equivalent to the SAS or the American Delta Force.
Drop Trooper OGRE Battle Suit
Drop Trooper OGRE Battle Suit
A look at Adam's OGRE battle suit, with some painting tips.
Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist Inspired by Counterstrike
Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist Inspired by Counterstrike
Anvil Staffer Dan tells us all about his Counter-Strike inspired Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist squads.
Conversion Corner: Liam's Camo Veterans
Conversion Corner: Liam's Camo Veterans
A post by Anvil staffer Liam on a quick and easy conversion project using Green Stuff.
Conversion Corner: Adam's SHD Agents
Conversion Corner: Adam's SHD Agents
A post by Adam talking about how he converted his SHD unit.
Sculpting Fur: A How-To Guide
Sculpting Fur: A How-To Guide
Fur is a great first project for learning to sculpt with Green Stuff. It’s an easy way to add details onto a model or to make a sculpt your own. In this blog post we take a look at some beginners techniques to try out using tools most hobbyists have.
Xmas Giveaway
Xmas Giveaway
Enter Anvil's Xmas giveaway by 11:59 AM (GMT) on 23 December for your chance to win a £100 Voucher to build your dream army!
Introducing the Menschenjäger  -  A guest post by Instagram's Krieghobby (Dando Barnard-Lee)
Introducing the Menschenjäger - A guest post by Instagram's Krieghobby (Dando Barnard-Lee)
A guest post by Instagram's Krieghobby, showing off some gruesome conversions using a mix of the Anvil Industry Renegade parts and our iconic Greatcoats to make a terrifying unit of elite killers.
Conversion Corner: Bits Bag Challenge
Conversion Corner: Bits Bag Challenge
We gave 5 Anvil Staffers a bits bag each and 20 minutes to put something together.
Dan's Running Sentinel Conversion
Dan's Running Sentinel Conversion
Anvil staffer Daniel takes inspiration from CAT hydraulic excavation vehicles to create this one-of-a-kind Sentinal conversion using the poseable legs from the Digital Forge Light Mech.