I’m enjoying a coffee while I look over last nights prints and can’t believe what I’m looking at. Perfect torsos, arms etc, that are 100% compatible with my existing Anvil Industries purchases.
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Fantastic Prints.
Jacob 5/6/2021 8:56 PM
My 4th print off my new Anycubic Photon Mono X were a plate full of the pre-supported STL files and they are perfect. I made sure I had my exposure settings correct for the resin I was using and BAM! Not a single model failed. I have about 20 resin cast models from Anvil to compare them against and they are equal in definition and detail as well as scale. Speaking of that I was able to adjust the size of the included backpacks for the slimmer Female torsos in Lychee and they print perfectly. These are great and I am now looking for the next bundle to purchase and start printing! Great sculpts and the pre-supported files are great!