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Build your own unique infantry squads from the entire selection of parts in the Regiments range!
28 mm heroic scale alternative miniatures suitable for use in many wargaming settings, including Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Medieval, Napoleonic, Alternative World War, Modern, Post-Apocalyptic, Jungle, Trench and more!
Our customers have used Regiments miniatures in established wargames like Warhammer 40,000™, Necromunda™ and Deadzone™, as well as smaller independent games including
INQ28, Reality's Edge™, Frostgrave™, mordheim™, Spectre Operations™, Zona Alfa™ This Is Not A Test™ and more! (Games mentioned here are the property of their respective owners and are given as examples of possible use based on customer feedback. Regiments miniatures are not endorsed by or associated with any other wargame publishers.)
Build a squad with any combination of parts - Male and Female Miniature options, Command Squads, Infantry Squads, Specialist Weapon Squads, Heavy Weapon Squads and more are available!